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F**king Awesome

I saw this blog called Laughing at My Pain and the writer of the blog does a segment each week briefly listing one thing that made him happy each day that week. I thought that was a pretty good idea and that I should probably steal it. However, it didn't feel completely like me or original.

So naturally I had to change it a little. Instead I'll be telling you what or who was fucking awesome in my life this week! Sometimes the F bomb can be a little much but my I had some pretty awesome moments last week and awesome just doesn't justify it.


Showering with my new hair cut was fucking awesome! It seems like such a small thing but I don't think people realize how stressful showering with long hair can be for me. Since my head is always cocked to the right like a confused puppy, water and shampoo often trickles from my hair into my left ear.

This can be so infuriating since I can't tilt my head far enough to the left to drain the water from my ear. So when I took a shower on Monday and I didn't have to worry about getting water in my ear or trying to get it out it was so much more relaxing. It's cliché but it truly is the little things.


My friend Laura was fucking awesome! A couple weeks ago she texted me that in one of her classes they are supposed to invent that uses with eye tracking technology. So she asked me some things that it could possibly be invented and have practical uses for someone who requires use of such technology. I gave her just a random list of ideas she could use and she seemed pretty excited about them.

On Tuesday she had a group meeting and FaceTimed me, again asking for some useful activities that could be accomplished through eye-tracking technology. Being the simpleton I am I gave her the easiest ideas I could think of. Seeing how I'm about as good at STEM courses as I am at walking I didn't want to suggest something that'd make me look like an idiot because there's no possible way of making it.

Then she mentioned that she wanted to make something that'd be useful for me that could involve filming or something. She thought of me and took my interest into consideration and we came up with a pretty cool idea. However, it was kind of an embarrassing moment for me because I didn't even consider coming up with something that could be helpful to me that'd align with my interest. Partially because I was thinking about others and how it could help them but also because I regularly forget I'm in a wheelchair.


My grandparents were f***ing awesome! (Censored because no matter how much of a heathen I am, I can't use a swear word to describe Grammy!) Wednesday was my friend Savanah's 21st birthday.

Recently, she had been SnapChatting me a bunch of pictures of boxed wine. So I texted her that I would get her a real bottle of wine for her 21st birthday because it reflected poorly on me as a person that I had a friend that drinks as much box wine as she does.

Naturally I asked my grandpa for a suggestion because I don't know anything about wine and I'm not going to spend money on a bad wine. He told me he gets deals from a website he's a member of and that he'd order a good bottle and I could pay him back. Perfect!

Unfortunately, the website only delivers in groups of four. So instead of ordering four bottles of wine and keeping three for himself, him and my grandma went out and bought Savanah a bottle of wine. Then they birthday wrapped it for her with cards and suckers and drove it to her place in Boulder! Who does that? I offered to get my friend alcohol as a joke and my grandparents made it an incredibly caring gesture. If that's not F***ing awesome I don't know what is.


My teacher is fucking awesome! My screen writing teacher said he would be happy to read the pilot script that I wrote. This is super exciting because while I've shown it to other people, I haven't showed it to anyone who's going to be truly critical of it and give me the suggestions I need to further it.

While I get tons of support and praise from my friends and family about it, they tend to be a little biased and not give me everything I need to make it better. It's OK if you read it and just completely cut it to shreds because it helps me make it better.


My massage was fucking awesome! Pretty simple. In the wise words of Forrest Gump, "that's pretty much all I have to say about that."


My family is fucking awesome! My aunt Sam has been in town for the last three days and it's been a lot of fun. On Saturday night I went out with her, my mom, and Brendan. We had a lot of fun and inappropriate conversations at dinner in a fancy restaurant.

We then went back to my moms place and played cards against humanity. That was a lot of fun! The only thing not awesome about it was getting screwed out of two victories. Literately I was about to win twice and both times they didn't pick my card because they knew I played it and they didn't want me to win.

I called shenanigans but apparently they don't watch enough South Park to respect that reference. It's OK though, I won the last game of the night. Even cheaters can't hold winters down! It's just what we do, we win, and can't nobody stop us.


Creating a world is fucking awesome! This semester and my intermediate screenwriting class we are supposed to spend the entire year planning out a feature-length film that we will write next semester in the master screenwriting course.

I initially came up with a really cool idea but my teacher told me he didn't think it would work out and suggested that I come up with a new idea. I begrudgingly obliged. However, after thinking about my original movie more it was kind of annoying because it's just the Wizard of Oz without magic.

The only idea I had for another movie was this incredibly complex film that required me to invent an entirely different world and time period and history. When I first started writing I didn't think I'd be capable of anything like this. However, I spent all day yesterday creating a world with its own history in order to start planning out my film.

It has been extremely mentally exhausting but also very rewarding. I've also gotten a lot of help from friends and family to help further develop the ideas. Although creating the actual history and everything is tedious and not necessarily required for the course, it has been a lot of fun and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

– ♿️

P.S. Here's a link to that other blog if you're interested.

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